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  • Writer's pictureJared Yellin


“The only assumption I ever make in any sales process is that the other party wants to say YES badly.”

- Jared Yellin

I love when someone tells me that the reason they did not try to sell someone is because they knew they were not interested…


Whenever you make an assumption in sales that is anything other than the other party wants to say YES...then you are making an ASS out of U and ME!

Assumptions in any area of your life is what I call FEAR showing up…

If you are afraid to call someone, you ASSUME they don’t want to be called.

If you are afraid to ask someone on a date, you ASSUME they are not attracted to you.

If you are afraid to close a sale, you ASSUME they are not interested in what you are selling.

Fear is the single greatest limitation in everyone's life OR it can be the single greatest catalyst…

Allow me to explain…

Fear As A Limitation

When FEAR shows up, most people STOP…

When FEAR shows up, most people DOUBT…

When FEAR shows up, most people QUIT…

This happens in relationships, entrepreneurship, health, relocating, finances, career, spirituality, adventure, and SALES!

Fear is often derived from a past experience and/or a downloaded belief system. We either attempted to do something and failed OR we were told that if we attempted to do something we would fail.

Many years ago, I hired a salesperson at SYNDUIT who was young and after a few weeks had his FEAR become his limitation.

He would NEVER go for the sale.

He would tell the story VERY well.

He would explain our process VERY well.

He would share the benefits VERY well.

He would even discuss the price VERY well.

But he NEVER got ANY sales because he NEVER went for the close.

Instead, he assumed the other party was not interested.

I approached him after his 98th consecutive unsuccessful sales call to better understand WHY FEAR was winning.

He was speechless…

He could not believe I knew this…

He was visibly disturbed…

And what he said changed his life forever…

“Jared, you are right. I have so much fear to close because I always assume they are not interested and this has held me back in other areas of my life as well. My earliest memory of this happened when I was in 2nd grade and I asked my crush to be my Valentine and she publicly humiliated me by saying NO very loudly and then crying. I never thought about that moment until just now.”

This story gives me the chills because if you are the type of person who ASSUMES how or what the other person thinks or feels without giving them the opportunity to think or feel it's probably because you had an experience like the one from above.

And you can CHANGE this story…

This sales person did not make it with me because he needed to make it elsewhere first…

He ended up putting himself on a dating site and falling in love…

From there, he joined a basketball team and showed up - another breakthrough.

Finally, he got a job in sales and is doing very well for himself.

For him, the CHANGE had to happen at the source. He needed someone to be his Valentine and now he is free from the FEAR, eliminated his nature to ASSUME, and is able to FINALLY experience the liberation of fear as a CATALYST.

Fear As A Catalyst

I happen to believe, because this is my TRUTH, that FEAR is your greatest catalyst to get what you want in life.

My childhood is my greatest fear because it was VERY rocky…

When my parents got divorced, it crumbled - quickly.

And that’s my fear!

Not the divorce, but the rockiness.

And this fear is my catalyst and the reason I do what I do in order to create insane stability for Taylee and Ryker.

The only ASSUME I have is that I ASSUME I will ALWAYS get what I want.

But please realize…

I could EASILY use this FEAR as a limitation…

ASSUME no one would love me...

ASSUME I did not have what it would take as an entrepreneur...

ASSUME people were not interested in what I am selling…

I just ASSUMED in the other direction…

Everyone loves me…

I will always WIN as an entrepreneur…

Everyone wants what I sell!

But this is NOT just positive self-talk - this is the actualization of my talk.

And it’s derived from FEAR as a CATALYST!

I am soooo afraid to create a rocky life for my children, that I double down to create insane stability through my actions.

And the way that I do this is...

Assume The Sale

Everything about this article has now brought me to the original point and the title…

IF you don’t have the life you want, it’s because FEAR is your limitation and the way it shows up is with a big, fat, ugly, ASSUME!

You are using the ASSUME bomb to NOT get what you want because you are too afraid to go for it…

MOVE to that new state…

ASK the person on a date…

COMMIT to a health program…

LAUNCH your company…

CLOSE the sale!

I really want you to get this…

IF you ASSUME anything…

You are making an ASS out of U and ME!

Because you are NOT giving someone and/or YOURSELF the opportunity to get what YOU or THEY or most likely BOTH of you want!

So, if you still feel like you NEED to assume…






And if you are wondering where to begin - start where your ASSUME was derived from.

Being denied…

Being told you were not good enough…

Being told you did not have what it would take…




And listen - this article has EVERYTHING to do with sales because the first and only and most important person you need to SELL and to ASSUME the YES for is yourself.

SELL YOU on YOU and what YOU will create in this lifetime...

Live with Intention,

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