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  • Writer's pictureJared Yellin

Bring It On Regulation

"Entrepreneurship is derived from the most natural, genuine, and unaltered space. When regulation attempts to prevent the true genesis of what drives this crazy group of people, entrepreneurs must do what they always do - innovate, ideate, and evolve faster than the regulation so that the purity of this creative force always remains pure."

-Jared Yellin

Do you think we are allowed to do this?

Are we going to get in trouble?

Maybe we should speak with someone before we try?

Questions like these kill the greatest ideas, innovations, and transformations.

I get it…

The law is VERY real…

Getting caught might mean you get in trouble…

Being told you can’t potentially will stop you in your tracks…

But here’s what I know to be true…

There is a VERY BOLD LINE between being unlawful and taking action.

People use the questions from above as their excuse to NOT get what they want.

They play it safe…

They avoid risk….

They wait…

And as people make the decision NOT to start - I am already leaps and bounds ahead.

I teach this to my team EVERY opportunity I get because when the world 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. guesses themselves and I never even second guess myself - I just always outpace.

And this is what I want you to realize as well.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP is NOT about breaking the law but it’s also NOT about following the rules.

There is a VERY successful chiropractor that I am close friends with who happens to have one of the largest practices in the country.

I interviewed him years ago and my final question was…

“What has been your secret to success?”

Without hesitation he said, “I don’t care about the rules. The majority of chiropractors in my state are afraid to market, afraid to speak their truth, afraid of fines, afraid to be slapped on the risk and I am just telling you - I don’t care. But what I do care about are my patients, the outcomes I produce, and the impact I am having.”

His conviction is undeniable…

His certainty can be felt…

His clarity of values make him unstoppable…

And guess what…

He is NO different than you!

His DNA did not make him NOT care about the rules.

He made a choice that I have always made…

I don’t care about the regulation or rules that are established to slow the disrupters down.

But what I deeply care about is the OUTCOME and I am willing to risk breaking the rules to create the impact that I know is needed.

I invite you to stop caring...

Live with Intention,

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