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  • Writer's pictureJared Yellin

Cause Of Death - DOUBT!

“Doubt Kills More Dreams Than Failure.”

- Jared Yellin

I hear people all of the time express their fear of FAILURE…

BUT these same people never broach the subject surrounding the fear of DOUBT.

FAILURE should be celebrated because it means that you at least gave your best effort.

DOUBT is the real fear because doubt and action are counter-forces…

It’s impossible to have DOUBT and go all-in.

It’s impossible to have DOUBT and think clearly.

It’s impossible to have DOUBT and execute with precision.

DOUBT leads to second guessing, talking without acting, and giving yourself the excuse to never get started.

But listen…

I wake up in fear...

I eat lunch with fear...

I go to bed with fear...

Fear is extremely present in my life - for seconds - and then I annihilate it.

I literally envision myself grabbing a baseball and going hog wild on this feeling…

I beat it to a pulp…

I hold nothing back…

I make sure that it completely dissipates…

And if this is too vivid of an image for you - then I ask you to see through my words and understand the meaning.

FEAR has ZERO space to linger…

FEAR is the REASON why you don’t have what you want…

FEAR is the DEATH of your greatest ideas and aspirations…

And if this is truly your belief system - then go grab your freakin baseball bat and get to work.

Here’s a challenge for you…

LOVE your fear of FAILURE and ANNIHILATE your fear of DOUBT.

I want to say this again and emphasize specific words…

LOVE your fear of FAILURE and ANNIHILATE your fear of DOUBT.

I mean it…

Like I previously mentioned, I wake up everyday with the thought of failure creeping into my mind, but DOUBT is nowhere to be seen.

I don’t DOUBT that I can do anything.

I don’t DOUBT my abilities and skills.

I don't DOUBT my ideas and innovations.

Yes, FAILURE is possible - but DOUBT will not get in my way.

And it most certainly WON’T get in your way either if you commit TODAY.

Which is why I am challenging you…

As Eckhart Tolle says, “Be the silent watcher of your thoughts and behavior. You are beneath the thinker. You are the stillness beneath the mental noise. You are the love and joy beneath the pain.”


Doubt only lives in your mind…

Doubt only lives in your thoughts…

Doubt only lives where you allow it to live...

Doubt is NOT part of you - it’s flowing through you and then occupies space that is meant for action, commitment, enthusiasm, excitement, and some more action.

So, what does this mean?!?!

As DOUBT enters please introduce it to SEISMIC ACTION!

SEISMIC ACTION looks like this…

Leap forward even when you can’t see where you are jumping to…

Boldly declaring the outcome you will produce…

Match all words with daily progress…

And I mean this…

THIS is not a thinking exercise…

THIS is not a vision board experience…

THIS is not a brainstorm…

THIS is literally combating your doubt with SEISMIC INSANE ACTION so that your doubt does not stand a chance…

Because right now…

Your DOUBT is the DEATH of your GREATNESS!

I Am Positive Of This One Thing…

If this article only motivated you - I failed!

If this article only inspired you - I failed!

If this article was thought provoking - I failed!

My goal is this…

I hope you hate me…

I hope you are angry with me…

I hope I ruffled every feather in your life…

And I hope this lands…

Your DOUBT is the DEATH of your GREATNESS!

Because this is what I am positive of…

IF you are moved into ACTION due to this article - you will love me, you will celebrate me, you will acknowledge me AND I did not write it for this reason…

I wrote this article because of the following...

I would rather FAIL my way to success than to DOUBT my way to nowhere because that is exactly where you are going if DOUBT wins.

All of this is shared with love and some MAKE IT HAPPEN energy - so MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Live With Intention,

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