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  • Writer's pictureJared Yellin


“You are meant to try your AUDACIOUS and the only way you won’t is if you listen to the voice of doubt as your truth versus the sound of your intuition as your guide.”

- Jared Yellin

I believe that my greatest competitive advantage is my intuition…

NOT because I have something you DON’T, but rather I use something you have that you don’t use.

YES, this is a generalization, and I apologize because you will soon see how much I stand against generalizations…

But I also know the majority of people I have worked with - 10,000’s of them - VERY VERY few USED this internal voice as their guide.

But just so you are clear...

I was not necessarily BORN with the ability to listen to my gut...

I ignored this feeling often and then wondered why I did not get what I wanted...

I was in denial for years that this nonsensical “feeling” actually knew what I needed to do…

Listen, I am not this woo-woo type of person, although I LOVE woo-woo yet practical conversations, but INTUITION ain’t WOO-WOO!

Intuition is where your genius lives…

Intuition is the crystal ball that you never thought existed…

Intuition is a straight line from where you are to where you want to be…

I am totally cool with you NOT believing in this superpower, but then I hope you are cool with NOT getting what you want in life…

Here’s my belief…

EVERYONE has an intuition…

NO ONE has more intuition than anyone else…

MOST never listen to this feeling…

But if you are anyone that is NOT in the most category, which means you are an anomaly who listens to your GUT - then it’s time you IGNORE your doubt!

Because your DOUBT is NOT the voice of TRUTH


Your intuition IS your GUIDE!

And if your plan in this LIFE is to pursue the BIG, the BOLD, the AUDACIOUS then you better start LISTENING…

My Intuition Is The Reason I Launched CILA Labs AND CILA Labs Will Do Something That Has Never Been Done Before...

In 2020, I woke up one random day and realized - I am officially obsolete at SYNDUIT.

SYNDUIT has been a miraculous 9-year journey and I have loved EVERY minute of the experience…

Even the DARK moments - and let me tell you - there were plenty!

But on this morning in June of 2020, I knew it was time to pass the baton and responsibility to some key people at SYNDUIT so that I could pursue my next BIG, BOLD, AUDACIOUS!

As I began to share my vision for CILA Labs - launch 10,000 tech companies in 10 years - I was met with “doubters.”

During a conversation with someone close to me, I mentioned my readiness for Chapter 2 and I was definitely not soliciting his opinion, but he decided to share it anyways…

“Jared, just focus. Every great company was built by a leader focused only on that great company. Punt CILA for at least the next 5-7 years or you will regret this decision.”

There are THREE big takeaways from this conversation...

First - I stand against generalization…

I am 1000000% positive that there are many great companies with many great leaders who focused on more than one thing…

The only time that someone should speak in a universal sense is when they are 100000% certain they are right and since it’s impossible to have that degree of certainty - it’s best to avoid using words like EVERY, NEVER, etc.

Second - Unsolicited feedback is unnecessary

I am very quick to say - I need your opinion on something - whenever I am looking for an opinion and I am equally as quick to NOT ask for an opinion when I am making a statement that has been vetted extensively by me and anyone else that I have shared it with. But part of my mastery around listening to my intuition that has made an extreme difference in my life is becoming motivated by unsolicited feedback versus having it lead to uncertainty.

Third - Listen to your intuition - ignore your doubt!

Here’s the reality…

If you plan on being AUDACIOUS in life - DOUBT will be EVERYWHERE…

  • From family disguised as - I am only saying this because I care…

  • From friends disguised as - I am only saying this because I don’t want you to lose…

  • From colleagues disguised as - I am only saying this because it sounds hard…

In all three of these scenarios, people who DON’T have what you want are sharing WHY you should NOT pursue what you desire…

Please read this again…

In all three of these scenarios, people who DON’T have what you want are sharing WHY you should NOT pursue what you DESIRE…

For me, I would rather have seen everything I worked so diligently to build come CRASHING down than NOT to pursue what my intuition was telling me needed to happen.

Maybe I am extreme…

Maybe I am a maniac…

Maybe I am wrong…

But here’s all I know…

I LISTEN to my intuition...

I IGNORE my doubt…

And I most certainly BLOCK OUT the opinion of people who DON’T have what I desire in their life, yet are willing to share their “concern,” which in almost all cases is their insecurity that I will accomplish what they have not been able to do.

Which is…


The Purpose Of This Article Is REAL!

I am going to write another article about the GREAT AWAKENING which is what the world is undergoing as we speak…

This truly is the greatest opportunity in human history to GO BIG, GO BOLD, GO AUDACIOUS, but before I dig into the GREAT AWAKENING, you MUST recognize that your INTUITION is the only universal in the world…


If it says GO - you MUST GO!

If it says STOP - you MUST STOP!

If it says TOO RISKY - it’s TOO RISKY!



If the voice of your DOUBT is drowning out the POWER of your INTUITION, then I absolutely guarantee you will NOT get what you want in life and you will fall WAYYYY short of your potential.

And this is something I stand against…

So - the purpose of this article is the following…






Live with Intention,

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