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  • Writer's pictureJared Yellin

Freakin' Close

“Closing starts at the moment you know someone is better with you than without you.”

- Jared Yellin

The single greatest disservice you will potentially create is NOT getting someone to say YES when they are better off with you than without you…

It pains me to no end when I hear a presentation, whether it’s 1-on-1 OR 1-on-MANY, and the speaker is knocking it out of the park and then when they get to the “CLOSE” their entire demeanor shifts, certainty disappears, and they fly through this CRITICAL piece because they get uncomfortable.

THIS is the disservice I am referring to because I can guarantee that the people on your webinar, the people having coffee with you, the people sitting down for a Report of Findings, the people doing a coaching consult with you will experience ZERO sustained transformation unless you CLOSE!


Listen, I am not a hard sales person UNLESS, I am certain that someone or someones better off saying YES than NO.

When I sense this…

I get ferocious…

I get convicted…

I get a YES!


The difference between me and you is that I don’t wait until the end to CLOSE.

The moment I know someone is better off with me then I make it my moral responsibility to begin the process by helping them see what I see for them…

I paint a picture…

I create a vision…

I make it vivid…

I bring it to life…

Please listen to this statement…

People WANT to buy from you - but - you must get out of our own way and feel WORTHY of the transaction.

Stop Wasting Everyone’s Time Including Your Own

“I would just like to educate people and if they are interested they will buy.”

“People like that I don’t pressure them.”

“I hate when people try to sell me something and I don’t want to appear that way.”

If you take someone through a process and then you don’t go for the close you just wasted their time - shame on you - and you wasted your time - shame on you.

But let’s get to the root of the issue…

WHY do you think CLOSING is a bad thing?

WHY do you associate CLOSING with pressure?

WHY is your default about CLOSING a dirty outcome?

When someone has the opportunity to SAY YES, that’s the moment when their entire life transforms.

When someone has the chance to MOVE FORWARD, that’s their opportunity to reach the next level.

When someone has the ability to MAKE A DECISION, that’s their step in the direction of their ideal outcome.

But you are stealing this opportunity, this change, and this ability by NOT stepping into your CLOSE!

And please - change the story you associate with someone’s ability to make a decision.

This is pure…

This is beautiful…

This is transformation in the making…

But the key is that you START the close the MOMENT you get that feeling inside…

They are better with me than without me…

Get Excited To Close…

If closing equals transformation then closing should be exciting - right?!

Because you are a CHANGEMAKER and you live to create change…

You live to impact…

You live to revolutionize…

You live to improve lives...


You are getting in your own way of doing all of the above AND more because of your weird relationship with the word CLOSE...

The key is to maintain your composure…

The key is to stop putting excessive pressure on yourself…

The key is to turn off that voice which is making you feel like closing is dirty…

I can’t begin to explain how excited I get and feel the moment I know someone is better off with me than without me…

I literally see their transformation and then make it my responsibility to help them see what I see…

But, this might still scare you so here’s the most tactical and practical advice I can share…


What this means is tell people what you are doing…

Tell them…

“I just realized, you are better off with me than without me…”

“You need to say YES because when you say YES your life will transform…”

“This is what I see happening for you as we work together…”

Just be direct about it…

I guarantee it will ease your mind…

I guarantee it will maintain your composure…

I guarantee it will increase your likelihood of YES…


I guarantee it will FEEL RIGHT…

No more dirty closing stories…

No more pressure sales beliefs…

No more “I only like to educate…”

And YES to closing equals transformation…

My hope and desire for you whether you are a health professional, in financial services, selling real estate, a chef, a jeweler, a network marketer, etc. is that you learn to LOVE to FREAKIN CLOSE because once you deploy RADICAL TRANSPARENCY the moment that you know someone is better off with you than without you, then your entire CLOSING process will shift to fun, excitement, purpose, responsibility, and positive energy.

I guarantee this will be your outcome…


FREAKIN CLOSE and love the entire process!

Live with Intention,

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