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  • Writer's pictureJared Yellin

My Leadership Secret

“Here’s my leadership secret…

Want other people to WIN more than you want to WIN.”

- Jared Yellin

There are two different types of leaders…

1 - Those that are in a position of leadership…



It’s possible to be both for sure, but just because you were given or earned #1 does not necessarily make you a #2.

And there are many reasons why you can be a #1 and not a #2, but the one that stands out to me most is this statement…

LEADERS want other people to WIN more than they want to WIN themselves…

And this is not just a “sound good statement” or the perfect line for the next Hallmark card…

In every fiber of their being they want others to WIN more than they want to WIN themselves…


They know when others WIN that they are WINNING too because LEADERS understand the following…

-The long game is the only game

-Happy people mean committed people

-Winning is a team sport

I am always fascinated when I am surrounded by people in category ONE and they talk like this…

“When this happens, I get this…”

I am not here to pass any judgment, but the #1 motivator in the world for people is to do something that makes their life more rewarding, fulfilling, and filled with more freedom and if they feel like their purpose is to only help YOU get yours - their level of commitment and motivation will make your winning unsustainable or at the very least...UNADMIRABLE!

Don’t get me wrong, I WANT IT ALL and I will GET IT ALL, but I dramatically want the people surrounding me to get THEIR ALL first because I know MY ALL is just around the corner.

Plus, the satisfaction for group #2 when they know a contribution was made to help someone else get their ALL is the single greatest feeling in the world.

And for the record…

I am NOT referring to MONEY when I say WINNING…

YES, the people surrounding you will WIN when they make more money for sure, but the category #2 leaders realize that cutting a check is NOT necessarily helping someone else WIN.

WINNING looks like the following…

-More time

-More meaning

-More life experiences

-More acknowledgement

-More growth

-More money

-More laughter

-More sense of belonging

-More health

-More flexibility

-More understanding

-More inspiration

-More listening

And there are probably about three dozen other items that can and should be on this list, but as you can see MONEY is only one of them...not the whole thing!

And this is where category #1 goes wrong…

Maybe they help other people WIN financially - and I emphasize maybe - but without the fully integrated WIN list, your ability to lead will fall short and become unsustainable.

Leaders make other people feel more important…

Leaders make other people feel understood…

Leaders make other people see what they don’t see…

Leaders make other people feel better with AND without them…

Leaders make other people believe in themselves on a level they never knew possible…

Leaders make other people accomplish THEIR goals and desires…


Leaders win BIG and INCREMENTALLY each time someone in their world WINS and the collective WIN of a LEADER versus someone in a position of leadership is seismically larger…

Once again - ZERO judgement…

But the world is yearning for more LEADERS - not people in a position of LEADERSHIP who were given it or earned it or elected to it…

BEING A CATEGORY #2 LEADER is a day-by-day, hour-by-hour, minute-by-minute decision and choice…

Empathy is important…

Authentic desire to serve is critical…

Being in integrity is a requirement…


Wanting other people to WIN more than you want to WIN is a non-negotiable.

Which category are you in...

Neither yet?

Make the choice!

Live with Intention,

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