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  • Writer's pictureJared Yellin

One Outcome Mentality

“Declare your outcome


Stop negotiating with yourself!”

- Jared Yellin

Let’s do some self-reflection for a moment...coolio?!

Have you ever set a goal for anything…

-Weight loss





-Eating healthy

You name it…

What was your goal? ___________________________

And once you had this goal written in stone where the only outcome you would be satisfied with was hitting this goal...

Maybe even demolishing this goal…

And you planned on celebrating hardcore when this goal was your reality…

And you might have even boldly declared this outcome to your family, friends, colleagues, Facebook, etc.

Like _______________________ is happening...PERIOD!

But then something happened…

You started strong…

Like guns ablazing strong…

And then the negotiation began…

“You should sleep in today, give yourself a break.”

“You should just vedge out tonight, you worked hard this week.”

“You should skip date night, it has been an intense few days.”

“You should take a nap instead of playing with the kids, because you earned it.”

The second you allow your secret “play it safe” identity to negotiate against your intention is the moment your goal will become a distant memory..

The mind is just fascinating…

Give it an will expect a mile and that is how far away you will be from hitting your goal.


And yet you wonder why you have fallen short…

It’s NOT a lack of discipline…

It’s NOT that your goal was too ambitious…

It’s NOT COVID, the economy, the election, or any other excuse…

It’s NOT your lack of time…

It’s NOT anything other than your secret “play it safe” identity decided to have you play it safe by quitting on yourself.

Wait a second...why do I keep on saying “play it safe?”

Well, that’s what it is…

When you decide to NOT go after your big, audacious, goal, you are saying YES to playing it safe.

When you decide NOT to pursue growth in one or many areas, you are saying YES to playing it safe.

When you decide NOT to reach for the next echelon in your career, relationship, health, parenting, etc., you are saying YES to playing it safe.

And this is what I mean when I say…

Declare your outcome


Stop negotiating with yourself!

Just stop…

You know when it’s happening…


You definitely don’t feel good when IT wins and YOU lose…

For the record...

I am not looking to rev you up or hype you up or motivate you…

I am driven to help you see what you currently don’t see about why you are falling short when setting an intention…

So, if you are sick and tired of losing the negation against yourself, follow these steps…

Step #1 - Set the intention in STONE and boldly declare it to family, friends, colleagues, Facebook, etc.

Step #2 - Recognize when the internal negotiation begins and hit it head on with massive action…

Examples include…

-Wake up an hour earlier than you even set your intention on…(this is why I wake up at 4am each day)

-Go on 2 date nights a week

-Add an extra hour of connectivity time with your children

-Produce an extra 2 blog posts a week


I mean it - you must address the negotiation by doubling down on whatever you set as your intention.

3 - Have only one plan - called PLAN A - and never deviate. Only stop once you know you hit the goal and then set something even more audacious.

The key is to reprogram yourself so that eventually your negotiation is actually negotiating you to think bigger, do more, stay extra committed, and to demolish the goal.

This is where I am at and I am 100% certain you can get here too…

Follow the steps…

You got this!

Live with Intention,

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