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  • Writer's pictureJared Yellin

STOP Firing Judgement

“The only reason why someone will judge another person is because they are not convicted in their own belief.”

-Jared Yellin

I believe that we are currently living in an era of judgement that is unlike anything we have ever seen in human history…

Judgement literally circulates every topic…



Black Lives Matter




Gay Marriage





Cancer Treatment








Literally - every topic from above, along with 1,600,716 other topics, have judgement circulating them at a rapid pace and the only thing that transpires is people firing bullets at one another.

Bullets as in…

You are wrong…

You are stupid…

You are ignorant…

You don’t care about your kids…

You don’t care about the future…

You don’t care about immigrants…

You are selfish…

You are…

Here’s what I think about judgement…

I think the person throwing the judgement your way is NOT convicted in their decision, their beliefs, AND they are clueless when it comes to their values.

If someone needs to prove someone else wrong it’s their own insecurity that is showing up…

For example…

I am DEFINITELY NOT MAINSTREAM with most decisions for myself and my family…

And I have ZERO desire to prove anyone right or wrong about my own political beliefs, health decisions, financial philosophy, geographics, or any other decision that I make which is 100% aligned with my CODE.

I don’t feel the need to slingshot my opinion…

I don’t feel inclined to step on others’ decisions…

And I definitely do not feel the need to get into a back and forth banter on Facebook trying desperately to prove my point…

My decisions are for me…

My decisions are for my family…

My decisions align with my CODE!

And here’s what’s super cool…

I have INSANELY strong opinions on every topic from above…

And my opinions are RIGHT 100% of the time… FOR ME!

Personally, I don’t care about what you do…

Who you vote for…

Your vaccine decisions…

Your views on Black Lives Matter…

Whether or not you want tighter gun control…


I only care about WHAT I DECIDE!

And the reason is because…

I am convicted in my beliefs…

I am clear on what’s best for me…

I have a CODE!

But there is one very important distinction that I must share…

Don’t make decisions to harm other people…

Don’t make decisions in spite of other people…

Don’t make decisions to unethically put yourself ahead of others…

PROGRAM your CODE and then decide what is RIGHT for you and your family…

And then - keep it yourself! There is zero benefit in posting, sharing, distributing your opinions when the only opinion of your opinions that matters is your own.

I live in a judgement free zone and I don’t care about what you decide and I expect that you won’t care about what I decide as well.

Live with Intention,

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