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  • Writer's pictureJared Yellin

UNstuck Yourself!

“UNstuck Starts With Massive, Seismic, Eye Ball Sweat-Producing Action.” - Jared Yellin

I am always fascinated when people tell me they feel stuck in any of the following...






The key to getting unstuck is to change what stuck means…

Okay, this is not going to be a KUMBAYA post...

I am not going to tell you to simply think about being unstuck and when you stop thinking about being unstuck you will be unstuck.

For those of you who know me - I am NOT that guy.

I believe in massive, seismic, eye ball sweat-producing action.

I believe the unknown is meant to be reckoned with.

I believe that we all have exactly what we need to go from A - B.

But here’s what I also believe…

I believe most people choose FEAR over EXCITEMENT.

I believe most people choose to PLAY IT SAFE versus going for IT ALL.

I believe most people TALK more than they ACT.

The key to getting UNstuck from my years of working with 1,000’s of people and most importantly, MYSELF is to challenge yourself to 5 days of massive, seismic, eye ball sweat producing action.

Here Are Some Examples...

Example #1:

If you are STUCK because you are not producing enough content, then here’s your 5-day plan…

Monday - Blog Post

Tuesday - 10 Social Media Posts

Wednesday - Facebook Live

Thursday - Marketing Campaign

Friday - Podcast Guest

Example #2:

If you are STUCK with your health goals…

Monday - Run

Tuesday - Swim

Wednesday - Bike

Thursday - Aerobics Video

Friday - Yoga

Example #3:

If you are STUCK with your intimate partner…

Monday - Make a surprise dinner

Tuesday - Hand write a card

Wednesday - Play a board game

Thursday - Rent a movie

Friday - Talk about your CODES (aka Values)

And the list of 5 massive actions can apply to any area where you are stuck - and I accept your challenge in advance if you want to post a “stuck” in your life in the comments below and I will share your 5-day plan.

And here is what will happen…

On Day 6 - you will YEARN to take action.

I am 100% certain of this…

I was STUCK with “personal branding” and “content creation” about 7 months ago...



Lacking direction…

So what did I do….

5-Day Content Challenge With MYSELF!

The outcome - I am now on FIRE and have written close to 2,000 pages of content since I was “STUCK!”

My mind is clear…

My creativity is ready…


So that’s the plan - pretty darn simple - but at the same - pretty darn difficult if you are going to make excuses to NOT begin.

Which is why I will leave you with my secret to START…

Find someone or something that matters more to you than your excuse as to why this is not the right time.

For me - it’s my kids.

And as I remained STUCK - I thought of Taylee and Ryker and my desire to make them proud.

Now, my stuck was not only impacting me - but it was also impacting them - and they (although they don’t even know it) - became my catalyst and now I will never look back.

Do you accept the UNstuck challenge?

Live with Intention,

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