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  • Writer's pictureJared Yellin

Work On YOU!

“Your sense of self-worth and significance should not cost someone else theirs. Work on YOU.” - Jared Yellin

I find self-worth to be one of the more fascinating topics because there is zero correlation between someone’s self-worth AND…

Their bank account…

Their intimate life…

Their family…

Their career…

Their accomplishments...

Their spirituality or faith…


Self-worth is the only uncorrelated area that exists in every person on the planet…

You could have a TON of money…

You could have an INSANE intimate life…

You could have the most WONDERFUL family…

You could have a BOOMING career…

You could have MANY accolades and awards...

You could be CONNECTED to g-d…

And yet…

Feel worthless!!!!

How insane is this?!?!

But where self-worth goes extremely wrong for me is when someone does not have it and because of this - they bring others around them DOWN!

There have been a few people that I worked very closely with over the years that on the outside looking in seemed to “have it all,” seemed confident, seemed to be a TON of things that they WERE NOT!

And as a result of their LACK of self-worth combined with their appearance of “having it all” they became destructive to those around them based on their desire to not live in misery by themselves.

This is where my WAR-CRY gets loud…




And just for freakin emphasis just in case you are someone who looks like you have it all together but really are tearing people down because of your own pain…


There are just countless stories of lack of self-worth leading to the demise of so many innocent people…

From celebrities that leverage their wealth and become abusive…

To politicians who use their power for wrong and become disparaging...

To athletes that use their physical strength to become barbaric…

To entrepreneurs who use their genius to become manipulative…

And guess what….

There are sooooooooooooooo many unfortunate use-cases of self-worth gone wrong.

But here’s what I want you to know just in case you were on the receiving end of this brutality…

You are whole…

You are worthy…

You are strong…

You are beautiful…

You are talented…

You can be, do, and have anything you desire…

You are smart…

You are loving…

You are ______________

You are ______________

You are ______________

As much as this post is intended to expose those who are hurting others because their worth is so fragile, it’s really motivated by my desire to help the person on the receiving end who might feel like a victim...

The person who just happened to be in the right place at the wrong time…

The person who just happened to take a job and it forever impacted their life negatively…

The person who just happened to show up with eyes of naivete to only be taken advantage of…

Once again because you need to FREAKIN read this, believe this, and become this…

You are whole…

You are worthy…

You are strong…

You are beautiful…

You are talented…

You can be, do, and have anything you desire…

You are smart…

You are loving…

You are ______________

You are ______________

You are ______________

Fill in those FREAKIN blanks with who you actually see when you look in the mirror - NOT - who that weak, pathetic, loser manipulated you to see

I bring a ton of amped energy to this message because I have a feeling that at least one person who reads it (maybe 100’s, maybe 1,000’s, and maybe 1,000,000’s) will have their paradigm shifted when they recognize that the problem was NEVER them…

Once again…

You are whole…

You are worthy…

You are strong…

You are beautiful…

You are talented…

You can be, do, and have anything you desire…

You are smart…

You are loving…

You are ______________

You are ______________

You are ______________

Please see yourself for who you truly are…

Get revenge by showing up as your whole, authentic, full, confident, worthy self…

And then live your life boldly, intentionally, and commit to having nothing less than… “IT ALL!”

You heard it here are about to become the FREAKIN victor and it’s time that you step into the state of...THIS HAPPENED FOR ME - NOT - TO ME!

You WON by having this person try to tear you down…

You WON by having to build new muscles to just get by…

You WON because you will NEVER take this treatment again and you are stronger because of it...

I am here for you always - to help you see what I see - the real freakin YOU!

Live with Intention,

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