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  • Writer's pictureJared Yellin

Your Team Is The Piece

“When you find a way to build a team that wants your visionary outcome as much or even more than you do, then you have the pieces to make your visionary outcome a reality for everyone.”

-Jared Yellin

Why do most owners and entrepreneurs forget or intentionally avoid indoctrinating their team into their vision?

I spoke at an event in the Chiropractic profession about 8 years ago to 500 people where the room was 1/3 doctors and 2/3 team.

I asked the team to stand up all at once and then asked a question…

Continue standing if you know the visionary outcome of your doctor and your practice.

Guess what happened…

100% of the room sat down…

Not a single person was standing.

EVERYONE was floored…

But you could see that the doctors were visibly uncomfortable…

Failure was lingering in the air as I continued with the presentation until I made the following comment…

Just because you have not does not mean you can not

You could tell that the energy in the room shifted to excitement and then I initiated a process which I am positive has stuck and will stick with each doctor for the remainder of their career and life.

What is your visionary outcome?

Doctors were screaming things out like…

“Radically change the health of your community…”

“Become the first stop instead of the last stop on someone’s health journey…”

“Eliminate the use of toxins for healing…”

And the audacious remarks continued for 15 minutes.

The amount of vision in the room was palpable.

Team members were crying...

Doctors felt proud…

A breakthrough was born…

But then I asked the next question which really shook things up…

Why have you not shared this?

“I felt silly.”

“I did not think anyone cared.”

“I’m afraid to fail.”

“People would doubt me.”

And as the limiting beliefs were circulating the room, I broke the pattern with the final question…


Please answer this question VERY loudly…

Do you feel MORE connected or LESS connected now that you know the visionary outcome of your doctor?

A chant of MORE began to radiate around the room…

Team was inspired…

Doctors were now crying…

A breakthrough was born…

This Is Not A Kumbaya, Rah-Rah, Hype Experience AT ALL!

I did a survey 6 months, 12 months, and 24 months after this event to assess if sharing a visionary outcome impacted the business growth and the results were EXACTLY as I expected.

The average office increased their revenue by 51% with one office growing by 400%.

When asked what changed…

The answer was consistent…

My team…

My patients…

My community…

My family…

Most importantly, MYSELF…

Are proud to play a part in my visionary outcome!

Listen, you absolutely can do what most will do right now...nothing...and you will get what most people get...nothing.


You can do what most won’t...something...and you will get what most people don’t get...something.

Which will it be?

Live with Intention,

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