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I Am Excited To Share My Story, And If You Are Inclined, Please Connect With Me

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Whenever I am asked to speak about my childhood there is only one word that defines my memory…




My parents got divorced when I was extremely young and this moment became the catalyst for a childhood without serenity.


Don’t get me wrong, I am privileged. I by no means have the most difficult upbringing, but I am also not unaware of the challenges that stood before me as I was finding myself in the world.


If you are intrigued, please continue reading my story.


I committed very early on to personal development as my beacon of hope and my north star. I appreciated the way audios, books, videos, and all other forms of content made me feel and I immersed myself into this work.


I also became extraordinarily passionate about anything that would give me the EDGE in life. From an intense discipline with fitness and nutrition to a daily ritual of self-work, and even a constant need to create things out of nothing. I was not the ordinary kid, but I was indeed very popular because I stood up for what was and is RIGHT.


I stand to even the playing field for people from all walks of life and I have done this for as long as I can remember.


When I was 20 years old, I had a milestone moment.


I realized that someday, I was going to be a DAD.


I am sure this thought stemmed from my desire for my future to be significantly more peaceful than my past and this thought triggered quite a bit of self-reflection.


What did it mean to be a DAD?


The one word that continued to arise was FREEDOM.



Geographical FREEDOM


Financial FREEDOM

Everything FREEDOM


I began thinking about the paths to take to create FREEDOM and there was only one that seemed to give me the chance of HAVING IT ALL.




So, I went all in and 15+ years later, I DID IT!


Complete FREEDOM with 2 absolutely rockstar kiddos!


And I owe this outcome to the successful and challenged companies I have launched over the years.


Today, I have a holding company with many different entities, each of which has taught me how to be a parallel entrepreneur where I build teams, empower teams, lead teams, and let them do their thing so that I can do my thing...aka FREEDOM!


One of my companies is called SYNDUIT.


SYNDUIT was founded in 2011 as a marketing agency and it scaled VERY quickly. 


Within one year, hundreds of clients, massive team, beautiful office, and from anyone’s perspective...wildly successful company.


But I was not satisfied because of the lack of FREEDOM the company offered.


Each new client meant that I had to hire someone to manage that client and the one thing I hate in business is when a company can only scale through hiring.


So at the end of 2012, I decided that SYNDUIT was destined to support 1,000,000 small business owners, but not as an agency, rather a Virtual Marketing Department (VMD) aka SaaS marketing platform.


There was one problem though…


I’m an entrepreneur, but not an engineer.

I could not build this solution and I was faced with a brilliant idea dying inside OR finding a way…


So I started to speak with other software entrepreneurs to find out HOW software is built and I learned there are only TWO ways…


Way #1 - Build your own team which is VERY expensive, very time-consuming, and very risky because it is VERY hard to find the right talent.


Way #2 - Hire a development company to build your idea for you!


Well, Way #2 was the only way that I saw my vision for a VMD to come to life so I started to interview dozens and dozens of prospective companies until I found one based out of Massachusetts that seemed to understand the vision.


I got a quote of $750,000 and 10-months of time and I said, let’s do it!


At the end of 10-months, I was given my product which was 50% of what was expected and my final invoice which showed a scary number…




The company missed its estimate by double$1.5 million and delivered only half of what I expected…


BONKERS, but all too common in the software development space.


The one good thing that happened is that this software development company hired a contractor who happened to be a mile from my office so there was someone on site with me. 


This man was Mani Soundararajan who was originally from India and owned a very large development company before he sold out and moved to the USA to create a better life for his beautiful family.


Mani and I hit it off and then one day Mani did not show up at work.


I called numerous times and finally Mani told me that when the project was done he would share why he left…


Well, a few months later and some massive financial bruises as well, the project was done and it was time to call Mani.


 Ring, ring ring…


“Hey Mani, it’s Jared and I have two questions for you…


 #1- Will you come back?

#2- Why did you leave?”


 Mani said, “I will start tomorrow and I left because I could not handle watching you get taken advantage of by this Massachusetts based company.”


Please read this again…


“I left because I could not handle watching you get taken advantage of…”


If you ever had a tech idea but you are not-techy then this story is speaking to your soul!


You are just like me…


An entrepreneur who is NOT techy that has TONS of tech ideas and you have no idea where to go in order to create your ideas.


This was and is the reason CILA exists.


I ended up building a relatively large development team in India (all contractors initially) and paid everyone exceptionally well.


But they were all contractors which have a host of limitations and Mani and I decided to set up a company in India to employ each of these beautiful people so that they could have it all. 


This is why CILA is your answer because when you work with us, we are building you a dedicated team of ROCKSTAR talent consisting of 10-15 people to Create, Innovate, Launch, and Accelerate your idea AT COST!


We don’t make any profit unless you do…


Yes, we charge you the cost of each person…

Yes, we take a percentage of equity in this new business…

Yes, we take insane responsibility to ensure this new business is successful.


Take it from me, this is the opportunity of a lifetime if you are a non-techy entrepreneur with a technological idea.



We have a track record and the team, you have the idea and the drive, and TOGETHER we will achieve more!


And btw, thank you for reading this story. 


I wrote it for you…


Literally, for you because I hear you, I see you, and what you say matters to me because we are cut from a common cloth and we are meant to work together.


And, NEVER SETTLE. You deserve to HAVE IT ALL!

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