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25 Ways To Make 2025 The Single Greatest Year Of Your Life

“There is no reason to shoot for ‘slightly better’ when ‘best’ is an option, because ‘slightly better’ means you are resisting the inertia that transpires when you go ‘all in’.” - Jared Yellin

I never really understood why people go for incremental improvements in the areas of their life they value…









An incremental improvement is absolutely better than stagnation or digression, but incremental means you are resisting momentum, inertia, and a metamorphosed existence. 

Why only improve the relationship with your spouse by 5% this year versus 100%?

Why only make an additional 10% of money compared to last year versus 450%?

Why only lose 5 lbs versus your be-all-end-all target of 50 lbs?

I get it – people have convinced you it’s easier to go incrementally because it's more sustainable versus a complete immersion, which could lead to a burn out, too much risk, or the possibility of falling short of a significant target and feeling like a failure.

In my opinion, incremental means you are playing it too safe and from my experience – you won’t even hit your incremental target. 

THIS is why 99% of people don’t accomplish their New Year’s Resolutions – because each of these resolutions is just an incremental improvement, so it does not yield the extreme level of energy, resources, attention, and commitment.

Think of it like this…

A 5% improvement in your relationship with your spouse is .00096% improvement each week – so inconsequential that it gets NO attention and continues to get put off.

A 10% improvement in your financial life is a .0019% improvement each week – so inconsequential that it gets NO attention and continues to get put off.

A 5lbs improvement with your health is .096lbs each week – so inconsequential that it gets NO attention and continues to get put off.

The contrary is ALSO true….

A 100% improvement in your relationship with your spouse is nearly a 2% improvement each week – meaningful, noticeable and WILL get the attention, resources, and commitment needed. 

A 450% improvement in your financial life is nearly 8% improvement each week – meaningful, noticeable and WILL get the attention, resources, and commitment needed. 

A 50lbs improvement with your health nearly 1lbs each week – meaningful, noticeable and WILL get the attention, resources, and commitment needed. 


Incremental improvement is RISK and THE path to failing short.

Exponential improvement has NO risk and is THE path to accomplish your best outcome.

I am sure you have heard this saying but it’s so true as it pertains to incremental versus exponential…

REACH for the moon.

The worst that will happen is you land amongst the stars.

Okay, now for THE strategy I am committed to which will yield EXPONENTIAL outcomes for me, my family, and every person I touch…

25 Ways To Make 2025 The Single Greatest Year Of Your Life

The 25 Things I Am Committed To Doing So 2025 Is My Best Year Yet And I Invite You To Embrace All Or Some…

Before you dig into my strategies for 2025, I just want you to know that these are MY strategies - some or all might not work for you - but what will work for you are YOUR strategies and you don’t need 25. You can choose any number that will help you achieve your ‘best outcome’ but the key is you are committed to exponential improvement and your ‘best outcome’. 

Here we go…

  1. Get a Gatekeeper.

I have only had one main business mentor in my life, Rick Sapio, who unfortunately passed away a few weeks ago after an inspiring battle with pancreatic cancer, and THE most important lesson (or many) that he bestowed upon me is my number 1 strategy for 2025…

EVERY problem that has ever taken place in your (or my) life is because you (or me) let the wrong person into our lives.

EVERYONE needs a gatekeeper who is crystal clear on the non-negotiable values that are required to get into our lives and without this gatekeeper we are exposed to liability, distraction, pain, and suffering.

  1. Stop caring about the opinions of others when the others don’t have what you desire.

Almost every opinion I have ever received has been delivered by someone who is judging an area of my life or a decision I made, but when I assess the same domain of their life I learn they don’t have what I want so their opinion is meaningless. 

There is a massive difference between an opinion and an insight, so before changing course do an audit on the human spewing words at you to assess whether they have what you even want.

  1. Multiplication by subtraction.

Most people have been conditioned to DO more in order to GET more when in reality subtracting what is not serving you is more powerful than addition and instead becomes multiplicative.

For example…

Subtracting a team member(s) who is dead weight or a negative energy will multiply the results of your business – think of X (formerly Twitter) as an example.

Subtracting a “friend” who brings significant drama opens space for a new friend that is filled with a positive spirit which is a multiplication for your life.

And the list goes on and on and on - but I get it - SUBTRACTION is scary because you are unsure of the negative impact of removing someone or something from your life, but I promise you, it’s multiplicative.     

  1. Play with your kids like a kid.

Let loose…

I talk with friends all the time who have kids and I tell them how important it is for THEM to become a kid again.

Run on the playground with reckless abandon…

Perform a harmless prank…

Have a sleepover with homemade tents and a huge mess…

Get into a food fight…

I believe one of the necessary characteristics of success is youthful energy and the most effective way to tap into this resource is to play with your kids like a kid!

  1. Date your spouse.

Remember when you first met your spouse…

You had those butterflies in your belly…

You put on your best shirt or dress…

You planned an extraordinary experience (every weekend!)...

You get it fresh and exciting….

This might feel like forever ago, but if you want exponential outcomes in 2025 tap back into who you were with your spouse when you first met.

All of the success in the world is meaningless if you don’t have joy in your home. 

  1. 100% is easier than 90%.

I paid my way through college by launching a personal training business where my clients were my business school professors. One of the most common questions I would get asked was, “how often should I workout?

My response…

EVERYDAY - 100% is easier than 90%.

I get it - you’ve been told that your body needs rest but the more you rest - the greater the chance that your rest day becomes your rest week which becomes your rest month which eventually puts your body in a state of rest.

The same holds true for weekly date nights…

The same holds true for your morning regimen…

The same holds true for your diet…

Commit to 100% integration into your routine – not 90% or 82% or anything other than 100% in order to achieve exponential improvements. 

  1. Go for the WIN when winning matters and bow out when it doesn’t.

I am all for winning. I have been an athlete for my entire life and there is only one trophy in my book – and it’s NOT participation. 

But as much as I am committed to always winning, I am equally committed to disengaging the moment whatever I am pursuing does not serve me - EVEN if I have already invested, time or money or both - because committing more resources (time/money) to something that is no longer important will never make up for the resources I already spent. Instead, it just means I am putting more good resources after bad resources which leads to more bad resources! 

  1. Don’t miss a day at the gym.

This strategy ties into #6 but it requires its own strategy because people who workout their bodies - everyday - gym, classes, outdoor activities, etc. perform better in all areas of life.

They have more energy.

Their disciplined muscles are constantly being tested…

Their complexion is optimal – making them feel more confident…

Their bodies are tight – improving their self esteem…

I don’t mean to offend ANYONE with this statement, but I have NEVER met someone who does not engage in regular physical activity who is genuinely enthusiastic about life. 

Their outlook is poor…

Their attitude sucks…

Their mental acuity is slow…

Therefore – DON’T miss the gym in 2025!

  1. Eat organic, hydrate, and eliminate vices.

The food you put in your body will either fuel you or deplete you.

I really try not to judge but the one area where it’s challenging for me is when parents give their kids processed foods, dyes, bad carbs, excessive sugar, etc.

STOP killing your kids AND STOP using your kids as an excuse for you to consume food that depletes you. 

There is no excuse in this day and age - access to high quality food has never been easier but at the same time - access to poisonous food has never been more accessible. 

It just comes down to CHOICES – choose to live and eat healthy or choose to suffer and eat poison.  

  1. Upgrade your network.

I committed at a very young age to never be the most successful, most intelligent, best shape, best relationship, best, most, best, most etc. etc. in my immediate network.

If/when this happens, I will make a change.

I don’t announce it or declare it because the people in my former network did nothing wrong, but they no longer serve me or challenge me to become better, so my time with them is sparse as I allocate my most precious resource (time) to an upgraded group of people, couples, and families. 

I totally get it - you feel comfortable in the relationships you have from middle school, but if those relationships are the same exact ones from middle school I guarantee you are not growing as a result. 

Comfort comes with growth - NOT - stagnation.   

  1. Give people around you room to succeed or fail.

I have been critiqued by many who have told me that I give people around me too much reign and it has held me back, but the reality is that the critics only know how to micromanage their way to success, so my approach makes them uneasy.

I believe in management through WINNING or LEARNING.

When someone around me has the reins and they run with whatever it is they are doing which leads to a WIN – amazing.

When someone around me has the reins and they run with whatever it is they are doing which leads to a LEARNING – amazing.

But if I have to drive each of these people to success (or failure), then I will undoubtedly achieve less in my life. 

I would rather see someone fall short on their own versus ME carrying them to success. 

  1. See the world.

Get out of your comfort zone and travel somewhere you have never been before.

Maybe that is another country and maybe that is a neighboring city you have never been to, but it's imperative to see environments outside of your norm. 

It’s so easy to become monotonous, but I PROMISE you that 2025 will NOT be your best one yet if you continue to see what you always see. 

  1. Stop needing and start wanting.

If you have followed my work you know that I PREACH this premise but I also believe that you can’t hear it enough.


You don’t NEED anything – you have EVERY resource within you to accomplish all of your goals and desires.


You WANT certain people or things because it will make the journey to your goals and desires more fun, exciting, pleasurable, etc.

NEED is dependency and dependency is DEATH!

I will go so far and say I will help my kids realize they don’t NEED me, they only NEED themselves, and instead they WANT me!

I get ZERO value from being NEEDED - if anything it’s a liability for me - but I gain immense value from being WANTED!

  1. Take 100% personal responsibility.

It’s so easy to point fingers at someone else if you fall short of a desired outcome…

“They did not understand what I asked them to do.”

“They did not deliver as promised.”

“They did not match my energy.”

Please let this land…

You are GIVING YOUR POWER AWAY each time you blame someone other than yourself for missing YOUR desired outcome.

EVERYTHING is my fault.

This is my default and I encourage you to embrace this as well.

  1. Experiment daily.

I LIVE to experiment.

It’s probably the activity I am most passionate about besides spending time with my family.

I love testing my thesis. 

I love exploring possibilities.

I love making the unknown…known.


More often than not the experiments don’t “work” from the perspective of the non-experimentor, but to ME they ALWAYS work because I gain even when I lose. 

I gain insight…

I gain clarity…

I gain perspective…

Experiment in your business, relationship, health, etc.

GROWTH occurs on the other side of your experiments. 

  1. Default to YES.

Far too often people default to NO – it makes them feel comfortable.

But WHAT IF you had to say YES before NO?

Would you increase your life experiences?

Would you increase your chances of success?

Would you increase your capacity for growth?

My daughter was recently asked to perform a dance routine in front of a very large audience and I could feel every ounce of her wanting to quickly say NO (she is 8), but she knows how important it is to default to YES and the outcome was a life experience, success, and growth.

AND AND AND the same will hold true for you!

  1. Make more money.

I totally get that you might have been conditioned to believe that money does not buy happiness and I am not here to convince you to think otherwise, but money does buy you unique experiences and unique experiences does create more happiness so…..


There is no evil in wealth.

There is no liability in case.

There is no pressure in abundance. 

But the lack of these three leads to lack…

Lack of opportunity…

Lack of spontaneity…

Lack of peace of mind…



  1. Only settle for more than you have.

Enough is NOT enough.

I don’t mean material items although material items are wonderful if you enjoy material items.

But what I do mean is to stop giving yourself an excuse or an out.

I just can’t stand when people settle for less than they desire, because of some form of conditioning that has led them away from abundance and directly into lack. 

I can’t even imagine looking at myself in the mirror and knowing I went backwards…

Knowing I accomplished less…

Knowing I have not even tried to tap into my potential…

Knowing I have settled…

Maybe this is just me but I have a feeling you can relate too.

  1. Live out loud.

I am extremely anti-fascade where someone on social media creates a fake environment to be perceived a certain way. 







But as anti as I am of a fake narrative is as pro as I am for communicating your narrative. This does not mean showing off, but what it does mean is you live out loud and set standards and baselines that others are inspired by.

For example, I believe the greatest “flex” is being a rock for your family. Ensuring your spouse feels loved and that your kids have the ultimate role model AND you are in great shape AND you have a thriving business AND you are philanthropic, etc. 

If you choose to keep all of this a secret, which is your prerogative, what you are actually doing is holding back an opportunity for someone to be inspired by what you have authentically built.

You absolutely don’t need to agree, but I stand firm on being an example for others so that the social media facades stand no chance as they attempt to distract people from my real life.

  1. Disturb your naysayers even more.

PLEASE let this land…

For every ONE naysayer you have 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 raving fans cheering you on and hoping you win, but most people are so distraught by the one naysayer that they never realize the level of support that actually does exist.

Just take my word for it and then get louder, get bolder, and get out there.

The natural tendency when a naysayer emerges is to introvert and hide and I want to empower you to do the exact OPPOSITE!

A naysayer is defined as an insecure individual who has not been able to accomplish what you have, so instead of honoring you they attempt to distract and destroy you.

DON’T give them what they desire by sinking inward and instead become even more ambitious, intentional, and successful.

My goal is to ensure my naysayers are squirming with discomfort at all times because they will never stand between ME and ME.

  1. Live with Intention.

“Every action requires an intention because an action without an intention will lead to a result without an achievement.

Results are by chance.

Achievement is by choice.”

What if you committed to being INTENTIONAL with every action you took in 2025?!?!

This means prior to taking the action you took a split second to seconds to assess – what does this action help me achieve?

If the achievement is what you desire you ACT and if it’s not, you DON’T.

This holds true for everything from the food you put in your body to the business partnership you establish to spending time with your kids and dating your spouse. 

Simply doing something just to “check the box” might produce a desired result, but that outcome is 100% by chance and not replicable whereas if you define the intention around the action you will be able to repeat the steps you took time and time again in order to ensure that your achievement becomes your new norm.

  1. Never compromise your TRUTH.

If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything.

I have been ingraining this into my kids mind from before they could even speak.

What you stand for is YOUR TRUTH!

And YOUR TRUTH should never be compromised.

A good example of this took place during COVID when countless people violated their own truth regarding the vaccination based on peer pressure from others or fear mongering from the media.

Their TRUTH was what made the body heals the body,

Their TRUTH was exercise, nutrition, sleep, hydration and meditation would keep their immune system strong.

Their TRUTH was they were not going to get the vaccination.

Unfortunately, many of these people did not honor their truth and instead compromised it and now regret the decision they made.

I am using this as an example - not a debate - but it’s also the perfect example for you to stand firm on whatever your TRUTH is across any domain of life.

Your TRUTH is YOUR TRUTH and that is all you need to know.

  1. Change your mind.

You have the permission to CHANGE YOUR MIND!

I am declaring this on your behalf because often people accumulate more intel and data on their path to achieve a specific outcome and they want to change course, but fear the ridicule and comments from others who have been observing their actions.

“What if people question my ability to commit fully?”

“What if my pivot does not work and people hold it against me?”

“What if people critique my chance in heart.”


All I know is this…

In your current form - you have one life to lead - and the ONLY thing that matters is that this is YOUR LIFE TO LEAD!

I change my mind ALL OF THE TIME as I accumulate information that helps me constantly reassess if a decision/commitment serves who I am TODAY versus who I was when I initially committed. 

  1. Don’t waste time talking about other people.

The fastest path to have me disengage from a conversation is when someone begins speaking poorly about someone else behind their back.

It’s the smallest and lowest character activity that you can ever commit time and energy too and for me – it shows YOUR character.

STOP carrying what others are doing and instead START focusing on what you need to do in order to have the life you want.

“Can you believe Bob did that to Mary?”

“I don’t understand why Eugene makes decisions like that.”

“I absolutely disagree with what Chris is doing.”

WHY are you spending more time on Bob, Mary, Eugene and Chris when you have soooooo much more that you want to achieve in your life.

FOCUS ON YOU and only on YOU!

  1. TOGETHER as a way of life.

There is absolutely NO REASON to ever feel like you are on an island, by yourself, trying to change the world or accomplish a goal.

When you are crystal clear on your values and non-negotiables and have a gatekeeper to ensure only the right people enter your ecosystem – you become powerful beyond measure.

TOGETHER is absolutely a WAY OF LIFE and my hope and desire is that you realize this FACT in 2025 and every year forward.

It’s the path to have you achieve more than you ever thought possible.

It’s the path to have you experience more joy than you ever imagined.

It’s the path to have you grow beyond your wildest dreams.

Here’s what TOGETHER represents for me and why I say it’s a WAY OF LIFE…

T - Take 100% Responsibility

  • The moment you point a finger at someone other than you, is the moment you have lost your power.

  • Any dependencies in your life represent vulnerability. .

  • Never wait on anyone. Execute.

O - Opportunistic at all Times

  • Never settle for good or even great when EPIC is just one bridge away.

  • Keep an open mind to any and all opportunities that will help you achieve your ALL faster.

  • Give yourself permission to change your mind without worrying what anyone else will think.

G - Generous as the Default

  • Give and expect nothing in return other than personal satisfaction and stop giving when your personal satisfaction begins to wane.

  • Never keep score in any relationship and instead focus on always giving more than you receive.

  • A giving mentality is a magnet for more like-minded people. 

E - Engaged on All Levels

  • Never dip your toe in the water because then the experience is only had by your toe.

  • Give 100% of yourself into whatever your focus is at the moment in order to get 100% of the outcome.

  • Put in one extra rep each day across all domains of life.

T - Thankful for the Journey

  • All growth will occur on your journey in each domain of your life and when you are thankful for each experience, the journey becomes joyous. 

  •  It’s easy to celebrate the victory but it’s worthwhile to recognize every milestone - the favorable and the undesirable - that took place in order for the victory to be celebrated.

  • Every journey is composed of WINS + LESSONS so celebrate the wins and eventually celebrate when your lessons turn into wins. 

H - Habits Drive Results

  • 100% is easier than 90%.

  • There is no reason to do anything that you don’t make a habit because haphazard actions will lead to inconsistent outcomes.

  • Every action requires an intention because an action without an intention will lead to a result without an achievement where results are by chance and achievements are by choice.  

E - Experiment Relentlessly

  • Have the courage to test, try, and experience things you have yet to encounter because you will never know what’s possible until you try.

  • Expand the boundaries of your comfort zone by stepping outside of it - regularly - which will lead to the perimeter of the norm being expanded.

  • Detach from all outcomes and realize the LESSONS are far more valuable than the WINS. 

R - Resilient in the Face of Adversity

  • Extrovert the moment your internal voice is telling you to introvert.

  • Turn your obstacle into the way and control the narrative of truth.

  • Realize in your memoir what you thought would be the last chapter (aka the adversity) is at most a sentence and probably even a comma and there has never been a memoir that ended on a comma.

Now What?

Will 2025 be incremental or exponential?

Will 2025 be an extension of 2024 or the catalyst for 2026?

Will 2025 be THE year or A year?

Your immediate response is irrelevant but the action you attach to your response is the ONLY thing that counts or matters.

Declaring a year will be different simply means you exerted oxygen.

Taking exponential action towards making a year different means you are invested fully into the outcome.

BUT only you can decide where you go from here.

I can’t want it more for you than you are willing to commit for yourself.

I can’t push you harder than you are willing to allow yourself to step up.

I can’t inspire you more than you looking in the mirror and knowing there is greatness within.

AND I will love and celebrate you regardless of ‘slightly better’ or the ‘best’ outcome.


Make the decision + even more importantly back your decision with ACTION.


TOGETHER we got this!

Live with Intention,

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