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  • Writer's pictureJared Yellin


"I disagree with the strategy of documenting your life.

Instead...LIVE your life."

- Jared Yellin

Whether you agree or disagree with what I am about to share I support you…

But here’s what I believe…

We are spending more time documenting our lives than LIVING our lives…

A few weeks ago, I was watching a parent doing a selfie photoshoot and they literally lost their child.

Come on NOW!

I get it - many thought leaders and people who want to be thought leaders are telling you to document everything - and as long as you can document and LIVE - I am all for it - but let’s change the order…


People are literally sitting at dinner with their significant other and making faces on whatever social app they are using for selfies…

Parents are consumed with what their child looks like and says and puts extra pressure on them because they want a viral TikTok video…

Entrepreneurs are spending more time faking their life to impress people versus living their lives and being present to their humble beginnings…

I am usually NOT judgy and I hope you don’t interpret this as judgy - instead - it’s a call to arms…


YES, we take tons of pictures as a family.

YES, we deeply enjoy sharing these pictures with you.

YES, it brings us an extraordinary sense of joy when we look back and these memories…

But do you know what's even more rewarding than looking at the pictures of memories…


And I feel obligated to share this because I get this weird sense that at least one person who reads this article will be able to release the shackles of “what they should be doing.”

That one person might be a chiropractor who simply wants to be present with their patient versus documenting the experience for the world to see…

That one person might be a mom or dad that just wants to enjoy their child at the playground instead of capturing short video clips to edit when they get back home…

That one person might be an entrepreneur who just wants to get their work done and right without having to pretend they are something they are not…

LIVE and then DOCUMENT is my war cry and I hope you have the self confidence to find YOU inside of what society is telling you what’s right…

I don’t care what someone did to make a million dollars online…

I don’t care what someone did to build a following overnight…

I don’t care what someone did to become an influencer…

What I care about is LIVING…

What I care about is EXPERIENCING…

What I care about is the PRESENT…

And yes - I enjoy documenting bits and pieces but what I enjoy more…

Once again…


LIVE and then DOCUMENT to set yourself FREE!

Live with Intention,

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