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  • Writer's pictureJared Yellin

Stop Caring

“When was the last time that the opinion of someone else helped pay your bills?”

- Jared Yellin

The absolute fastest to NOT get what you want in life is to care about the opinions of other people.

Do you think they'll like my idea?

Do you think they'll like my shirt?

Do you think they'll like my haircut?

Do you think they'll like my decision?

I am VERY curious right now…


Why do you care what your dad thinks...

Why do you care what your mentor thinks...

Why do you care what your friend thinks...

Why do you care what your colleague thinks...

Why do you care what your Instagram follower thinks…

Why do you care what your neighbor thinks...


Because the more you care…

The more you second guess…

And the more you second guess…

The more complacent you become…

And the more complacent you become…

The less you get what you want…

And the less you get what you want…

The more insecure you feel…

And the more insecure you feel…

The more you care about what other people think!

It’s literally a vicious cycle that spins you around in circles and you make zero progress on your goals, dreams, desires, decisions, or anything for that matter.

And what is FASCINATING is when the opinion is coming from someone who DOES NOT HAVE WHAT YOU WANT…

Imagine if your friend is completely unsuccessful financially and they have an opinion on a career decision you are making…

Imagine if your parents have a horrible marriage and they have an opinion on your relationship…

Imagine if someone on Instagram has an opinion on your shirt but you don’t like their style…


Their opinion for some INSANE reason still matters to you…

You know this sounds crazy...right?!?!

Your career…

Your relationship…

Your shirt…

Is YOUR OPINION and that’s IT!

Now, if you ask someone for their opinion it’s different, but if they just offer it up and they DON’T have what you want - then get out of town!

MOST people are stopped in their tracks the second they hear an opinion that differs from their own.

Please realize that if you are stopped in your tracks when an unsolicited opinion is thrown your have a self-worth issue.

You don’t believe in your worth enough to do what you know is right by you…

You don’t have enough confidence to persist when someone else is doubting your decision…

You don’t feel secure in who you are which means that someone who does not have what you want can stop you from getting what you desire…

Once again - this is INSANE and it’s the reason you don’t have what you want.

You just CARE too much...

Don’t get me wrong - FEEDBACK is awesome - but the party in any conversation with the most conviction will win…

Their opinion


Your opinion

If you are truly convicted in your belief around _______________ and you know you are doing ______________ for the right reason and you are crystal clear on your desired outcome from _______________ then accept the feedback, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t come to a screeching halt.

Because if you are stopped by the opinion of others this means you are just not certain about whatever it is that you are doing and saying…

Stop Doing Webinars...whattttt?!?!

I was speaking with a wonderful life coach the other day who did her FIRST webinar and she was so excited until her friend told her that there are just too many people doing webinars right now and that she will be drowned out by the noise.

This lady adopted the opinion of the other person and decided NOT to do webinars any more…

What a darn shame!!!

The opinion of ONE just impacted this lady’s ability to share her message with 1,000’s!

Has this happened to you?

Well now is the time you rise…

Rise from the opinion…

Rise from the self-doubt…

Rise from the halt…

And take seismic action - today!

I believe in you and I am always here for you…

Live With Intention,

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