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  • Writer's pictureJared Yellin

Strategic Sweat

“Most entrepreneurs just sweat and get short of breath and eventually burn out, but when you are clear on your outcome and you are secure enough in yourself to ASK for what you want, then the only perspiration you will experience is strategic sweat.”

- Jared Yellin

Why does HUSTLE get defined the way it does…

I feel like this is a new thing…

People associate HUSTLE with getting no sleep, muscling your way through, establishing unhealthy habits...but you are HUSTLIN...right?!?!

Listen, I don’t know ANYONE who enjoys the hustle and instead they would much rather NOT be grinding to the degree that they are…

Hard work rocks…

Meaningful work is even better…

Mission-driven work is by far the best…

But HUSTLE has nothing to do with your ability to get to your outcome faster - rather - it’s the exact opposite.

The people I know who hustle the most have the least AND I out work them and I am NEVER hustling.

Instead, I deploy what I call STRATEGIC SWEAT!

Where can I create the most velocity at the fastest speed in order to outpace anyone else, especially the HUSTLERS who think they need to muscle their way to their outcome?

When I was in college, I was VERY intense with the bodybuilding lifestyle…

I never competed...

I never did any performance enhancing products…

I never cut weight by dehydrating myself…

I lived the HEALTHY version of this lifestyle and I was ALWAYS in season so I sustained my results.

I also lifted extremely heavy weights…

400lbs incline bench press is when I maxed out…

And I had this philosophy which is how I do life, entrepreneurship, and pretty much everything else that matters…

How much energy can I initiate within the shortest amount of time in order to build velocity and accelerated momentum?

This is how strategic sweat works!

Literally, I would picture the feeling of the barbell touching my chest and this immediate jolt of force that would result is what got the bar off my chest with enough momentum to carry to the climax.

People used to surround me at the gym when I lifted because of this very fact…

My force was so strong you could feel it…

This is my hope and desire for you...

What’s Your FLAME?

Are you a velocity creator or a momentum builder?

Velocity creators are VERY strong initially…

Momentum builders are EXCEPTIONAL at taking something from a place of velocity and converting this into ongoing and forever momentum…

Personally, I don’t know anyone who is optimal at both roles…

So it’s critical to know where you are best…



For me, I am all START!

My first step is FAST because I don’t second guess myself and I am able to build VERY intense velocity quickly…

My team…

Are the best at continuing my velocity and as a result - we hit momentum.

This is STRATEGIC sweat…

If I needed to step into the MOMENTUM phase - I would be HUSTLING!

If my team needed to step into the VELOCITY phase - they would be HUSTLING!

But knowing your FLAME allows you to get strategic with how and where you sweat…

And if you don’t have a team - then find a compatible strategic alliance to BE what you are NOT and BECOME what they are NOT.

The entire premise of strategic sweat is life-altering for entrepreneurs who often just SWEAT and eventually burn out versus identifying their highest and best use of themselves and STAYING there.

YES, this requires self-awareness.

YES, this requires doing things outside of your FLAME and being aware you are outside of your FLAME.

YES, this is a discipline.

And YES YES YES - it will transform your ability to get to momentum which is what EVERY entrepreneur should yearn to reach.

Don’t Confuse My Out-Of-Balance For HUSTLE

Last week kicked my ass…

I mean it…

I got VERY little sleep…

We had TWO insanely big launches…

And I REALLY was out of balance!

(Out of balance means like 3 hours of sleep each night - but still 100% focused on my kids and wife).

But by no means was this hustle. This is the perfect example of STRATEGIC SWEAT.

I put in the force…

Really hard…

Really fast…

And it created velocity…

This velocity led to a quick start and the opportunity for other people on my team to step in so that the momentum continues.

I was 100% aware and expecting the intensity for the week…

I took the weekend to recalibrate and rejuvenate…

And now I am back BUT better, and here’s why…

Two of my initiatives have velocity and are transcending into momentum as I write this article…

But the key is this…

Are you a VELOCITY creator…(starter)


Are you a MOMENTUM builder…(continuer)


How quickly can you step into that space?

Knowing where your strategic sweat is best used is a game-changer and something I encourage you to uncover and deploy yesterday OR at the latest TODAY with the goal of remaining in this productive territory forever.

I am excited for you…

Your world is about to change forever…

Here YOU go!

Live with Intention,

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