“Building a tribe is actually pretty simple…First, declare a mission that matters, then walk your talk. The challenge is that most don’t have a mission and almost no one walks their talk.” - Jared Yellin
I was asked a question the other day about HOW I have been able to build many different tribes across many different industries…
Before answering this question, I asked the person, "how many steps do you think it takes?"
They paused and said…"11"
I said, “Why 11?”
They said, “I don’t know, but I feel like it must be a number of different things you need to do in order to build momentum for your tribe to form.”
I have felt this way for years and this person's response validated my feelings…
Why do many “gurus” make it appear so difficult to accomplish simple outcomes?
Is it because they want to create a stickiness effect?
Is it because they are speaking in theory versus how it’s actually done?
Is it because they want to sell you something and complexity is easier to sell than simplicity?
I think it’s a combination of these things and I personally STAND AGAINST IT!
My goal is to become obsolete in everything I do…
This happened at SYNDUIT…
This happens daily with my team…
This happens in my personal life as well..
I want to be WANTED, but I never want to be NEEDED.
And when GURUS make simple concepts COMPLEX - what they are actually saying is that they want to be NEEDED...FOREVER!
Now, Let’s Talk About The Simplicity Surrounding Building A Tribe…
Whether you are a Chiropractor attempting to build a tribe of local healthy people…
Or you are a Coach attempting to build a tribe of business owners…
Or you are a Religious Group attempting to build a tribe of mission-driven humans...
It does not matter what you do OR what you are trying to accomplish with your tribe…
What’s important is this SIMPLE formula....
Declare a mission that matters.
Walk your talk.
This is it…
Once you accomplish these two steps you are wellllll on your way to building your tribe…
But until then - there’s no hackery, marketing, or funnel that you need.
You must just DECLARE your mission and then WALK your talk.
Let’s break this down…
Declare a Mission that Matters!
What is the mission that matters to you?
What is the mission that matters to your tribe?
Here’s a secret…
It MUST be the same…
If you try and find a mission that matters to your tribe but does not matter to you, then you won’t do what’s needed to make it matter.
And it really needs to MATTER…
For me…
I have many missions that matter, but the one that truly keeps me up at night is…
I am driven to help entrepreneurs realize that sweat is more powerful than blood and ‘HAVING IT ALL’ is a non-negotiable.
This is a mission that matters TO ME and TO MY TRIBE!
Too many entrepreneurs compromise their health, their family, their quality of life and everything else that matters because they think that is what it takes.
And I am here to boldly and audaciously and intensely DECLARE that it is NOT what it takes!
Define your non-negotiables
Live by your schedule
Remain disciplined
Monetize early
Put what matters FIRST (kids, family, health, etc.)
Once again - this is an example of a MISSION that MATTERS because it matters to ME and it matters to my tribe.
Walk Your Talk
NO ONE will follow your lead as you declare your mission that matters if you are NOT following your own lead…
The key to building a tribe once you declare your mission that matters is that you are a living example of this mission whether anyone or everyone is watching.
Contradictions will lead to your destruction and the complete abandonment of your tribe.
Let me use myself as an example…
Remember, my mission that matters is…
I am driven to help entrepreneurs realize that sweat is more powerful than blood and ‘HAVING IT ALL’ is a non-negotiable.
If I was BLEEDING as an entrepreneur - NO ONE would join my tribe because this is in direct contraction of what I stand for…
The wrong people would join my tribe and then my tribe would no longer matter to me because what matters to me is my mission.
Do you see how this works?!?!
Building a tribe is EASY as long as you follow these two steps…
And I don’t just mean FOLLOW…
I don’t bleed in business - EVER!
I sweat…
I never balk from hard work, but I sprint from friction.
And having it ALL is what matters to me and it’s what matters to my tribe…
My tribe stands for what I stand for because I have been able to formulate a MISSION that MATTERS and then I walk my talk!
And guess what…
I promise NO guru will make building tribes this easy…
They will say you need to pay them $15,000 for a course and sign up for all of these different marketing platforms, and then join their online community, and then come to their mastermind, and then hire them as a coach, and then you will still NOT have what you want because there is no SKILL or TOOL or ANYTHING needed to build a tribe other than…
Declare a mission that matters.
Walk your talk.
Listen, you DON’T have to LISTEN to me…
But here’s all I know…
I have done it...
I will continue to do it…
And my advice is FREE…
It’s this easy AND it’s also this hard because you do need to dig into each of these steps and these steps MIGHT be hard for you, but once you commit - they will become EASY and your tribe will be formed.
Go get it and make it happen!
Live with Intention,