“I don't care what anyone thinks about me, but I do deeply care what everyone knows about me.” - Jared Yellin
One of the most brutal evolutions in our society has been the ability to absolutely annihilate someone's reputation that they have built for decades.
Think of it this way…
Prior to the early 2000s, the only way to become “KNOWN” was to somehow earn or purchase air time on television or radio or newspaper.
There was no such thing as an influencer…
There was no such thing as a social network…
There was no such thing as a personal brand…
There was no such thing as an online reputation…
It was extremely time-consuming and expensive and uncommon to become KNOWN.
On a local level, people would need to run for a position in their town or become a successful small business owner to earn the status of “local influencer.” And for the record, there was no such thing as a local influencer.
The benefit of NOT being able to scale yourself is that it was equally as challenging to have someone ruin you.
The entire reputation management industry became a “thing” about 20 years ago because there was no such thing as a “reputation” prior.
People could literally lie, cheat, or steal and almost NO ONE would know about it until the early 2000s and the same holds true for the contrary – win, impact, and transform.
Success and/or failure was pretty much a secret.
That was until social media became part of our everyday lives…
Social media started to gain popularity in the early 2000s with platforms like Friendster and MySpace. In 2004, MySpace became the first social media site to reach one million monthly active users. In 2006, Facebook was launched to the public, which helped social networking become a more integrated part of everyday life. Other platforms that gained popularity in the mid-2000s include Twitter and YouTube.
As these platforms became utilities for nearly every person from around the world, two things happened…
People were able to SCALE their impact.
People were able to SCALE their stories.
People were able to SCALE their businesses.
People were able to SCALE their reach.
People were able to SCALE their network.
These same people were vulnerable to having the reputation they built for decades get annihilated in fractions of seconds!
I can’t even begin to explain how much I stand against disparagement, defamation, and personal vendettas that are targeting innocent humans simply because of an insecure individual who is incapable of accomplishing what the victim of the abuse has been able to achieve.
And I have heard stories and know people who have been on the receiving end of these crusades and their entire lives have been dismantled.
Irreversible economic damage…
Irreversible health damage…
Irreversible career damage…
Irreversible reputational damage…
There are only TWO ways to build the largest building in a city…
Way 1 - You build the largest building.
Way 2 - You tear every other building down until you are the largest.
The people who choose Way 2 are destroyers of value simply because they are valueless.
But the REALITY is this…
The destroyers deserve and have earned ZERO attention from you, which is why they are doing everything in their power to distract you.
Remember, dogs don’t bark at parked cars and your car ain’t parked which is why they are barking, BUT with social platforms like we have today – their BARKS are making a mark and it’s IMPERATIVE that you bullet-proof what I believe to be your absolute most important ASSET…
And like my quote above says…
"I don't care what anyone thinks about me, but I do deeply care what everyone knows about me." - Jared Yellin
The ONLY way to CONTROL what everyone KNOWS is the following…
5 Ways To Bullet-Proof Your Reputation
Strategy 1: Never forget who you truly are.
When you are in the middle of an attack, it’s soooooooooooo common to begin believing what the destroyer is repeatedly telling the world and you about YOU.
It’s so common to question who you are…
It’s so common to believe their lies…
It’s so common to lose hope…
It’s so common to feel lost, isolated, and out of control…
But it’s IMPERATIVE to realize…
All of the “commons” from above is EXACTLY what the destroyer wants to happen.
They YEARN for you to FORGET who you truly are…
They are brainwashing the world AND their ultimate goal is to BRAINWASH YOU!
So here’s what you MUST do…
Play with your kids…
Go to the gym…
Be intimate with your partner…
Help someone else…
What reminds you of who you truly are?!?!
And I mean this…
You MUST tap into this daily because even if a day goes by where their lies become your truth you are on a path to spiral out of control.
And whatever you choose to do should and must center you back to THE reality and YOUR reality so it’s not intended to distract. Its purpose is to make you LASER FOCUSED on…
Strategy 2: Extrovert while everything inside is telling you to introvert.
What pains me to no end is when someone is on the receiving end of a destroyer and they don’t do Strategy 1 and begin to sink into a very dark place.
They begin to isolate…
They begin to now do the triggers from above…
They begin to introvert…
You MUST MUST MUST MUST do the exact opposite of what your limiting beliefs are telling you.
And often these limiting beliefs are coming from people you would consider to be advisors…
Legal counsel
They are telling you to just let it pass…
But guess what…
It WON’T PASS because it’s sooooo easy to cause damage in today's world, so you must DROWN IT out by being even more of YOU!
And this strategy might manifest differently for each person, but ‘what does it mean to be MORE OF YOU?!?!
Do you create more content?
Do you write more?
Do you record more videos?
Do you attend more events?
Do you network more?
What is MORE OF YOU MEAN?!?!
Because the ONE THING you can do to combat the destroyer which will guarantee a victory - and in this game WINNING MATTERS - is to drown out their HATE with more of YOU!
EXTROVERT even when it feels easier to INTROVERT because the “easier” feeling is a complete facade.
Strategy 3: Control THE narrative.
The destroyer is doing anything and everything to create a false narrative around you and then they will repeat it over and over and over and over with the goal of brainwashing anyone and everyone they can access.
So here’s what you need to do…
Everyone is human so maybe you fell short on a specific goal and the destroyer is now exaggerating with the intent of using that one stumble as an access point to get other people to think you are a failure or a fraud or a loser or inadequate.
OWN the stumble!
You either WIN or you LEARN in life…
The stumble was a LEARNING…
What did you gain from it?
What will you never do again?
What will you begin to do?
How will you not stumble over the same thing again?
What they are attempting to put a spotlight on – YOU SHOULD JUST SPOTLIGHT with the truth!
In addition…
Be forthcoming with what’s happening.
Whenever appropriate – tell people about it.
NOT as a victim.
As a victor.
I always tell people that the damage your destroyer is causing is NOT a Scarlet Letter - rather - it’s a badge of courage and honor and strength.
Sometimes it won’t make sense or serve a purpose to control the narrative with someone but when it does – DO IT!
And don’t over dramatize it…
And don’t give it more energy…
And don’t speak with a fragile voice…
Control the narrative with confidence, with certainty, and with integrity.
Strategy 4: Build an army of truth-seekers.
You are NOT alone when the destroyer shows up.
There are WAYYYYY more people who know the TRUTH about you than you realize and when you are being attacked – mobilize these truth seekers.
Not in a dramatic way.
But let them KNOW the damage the destroyer is attempting to cause and empower them to combat their lies with THE TRUTH!
Maybe they record video testimonials about you…
Maybe they write things about you…
Maybe they are references for you…
Maybe they are digging into the dark dark history of the destroyer for you…
But DO NOT go to battle on your own…
I repeat – DO NOT go to battle on your own…
Because there are people in your world who WANT TO HELP YOU. They just don’t know you need help and they don’t know how to help.
These are your foxhole buddies – the ones you go to war with and you have eachothers backs.
United we stand…
Divided we fall…
Give people the chance to UNITE with you and watch how unstoppable you become.
The destroyer in your life is REALLY WEAK…
They have no friends…
They have no depth…
They have no resources…
They have countless enemies they have hurt…
They have NOTHING on you.
ESPECIALLY when YOU is an army of truth-seekers.
Strategy 5: Have a North Star = WIN!
I always remind people who have a destroyer…
The greatest way to WIN…
Is to WIN!
And I don’t necessarily mean by defeating the destroyer - although this would be a double WIN - but what I do mean is that you WIN at whatever they are trying to destroy.
If someone is trying to DESTROY your chiropractic business – WIN the award in your city as the #1 chiropractor.
If someone is trying to DESTROY your presidential campaign – WIN the election.
If someone is trying to DESTROY your startup business – WIN press, accolades, awards, and success.
Because every destroyer in the world is all hot air…
They have NOTHING on you.
They have NOTHING over you.
So the moment you WIN – they are at a loss because all they have are lies, inaccuracies, and falsehoods.
Destroyers are HANDS DOWN the weakest people on the planet.
And when YOU WIN…
They LOSE!
And when you take them down…
YOU WIN x2….
But the x2 is NOT only for you…
It’s a win for anyone else they have already destroyed or will destroy in the future.
Now What?
I wrote this article because I have a feeling at least one person will read it (probably many) who has already been inflicted with such extreme reputational damage OR for someone who is currently in the midst of this onslaught OR someone who knows this is inevitable.
First and foremost…
The bigger you get, the more you will be targeted…
If you are the largest chiropractor in your town – I promise you someone or something will try to take you down.
If you are running for President of the United States – I promise you someone or something will try to take you down.
If you are an entrepreneur committed to changing the world – I promise you someone or something will try to take you down.
It’s called – the COST of doing BIG THINGS!
But there’s such a critical takeaway for you…
This COST is NOT a liability – it’s actually an ASSET!
Because when you follow the 5 Ways To Bullet-Proof Your Reputation from above…
You will transform this extremely challenging and painful experience into one of the (probably THE) greatest catalysts of your life to date.
You will find your calling within it…
You will find your strength within it…
You will find your people within it…
You will find your personal value within it…
You will find your perseverance within it…
You will find your drive within it…
You will find YOURSELF within it…
I am not sure where I heard this saying, but it’s the absolute perfect way to conclude this article…
In the END, it’s ALWAYS great and if it’s not great – it’s simply NOT the end.
I am here for you, through and through, and I am committed to ensuring your reputation is BULLET-PROOF!
Message me…
Call me…
Get my attention…
TOGETHER we are unstoppable!
Live with Intention,