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Hail-Mary Communication

“You are one relationship away from a massive explosion in your life and in your business, but you just don’t know which relationship it is...this means you must pursue all of them!” - Jared Yellin

All you need is one…

ONE relationship that takes your life and business to the next level…

ONE right person who sees your vision...

ONE believer in what you are creating...

The problem is that most people don’t give themselves the chance to find this ONE.

They overthink the process…

They doubt their ability…

They assume lack of interest…

I have a question for you…

Do you realize how much opportunity is sitting on the table, ready for you to grab it, but your own limiting beliefs prevent you from even reaching for it?

This article is tactical and practical and I hope the outcome for you is that you do what I have always done, which has been my #1 secret to get what I have always gotten in the space of relationship capital.

The moral of this article is…


Allow me to explain…

Hail-Mary Communication

Welcome To Hail-Mary Communication!

Let me first define what Hail-Mary Communication actually is…

Have you ever watched a football game and in the 4th quarter, one of the teams was losing by 6 points and there was 10 seconds left.

The likelihood of a WIN for the team that was down 6 points was slim - but there’s always a chance if you try.

So, instead of just rolling over and laying dead, the Quarterback accepts the snap and begins to buy time.

He runs back and forth to give his receivers a chance to make it to the end zone.

After about 8 seconds, he throws the ball WAYYYYYYYYY up into the air and it feels like it's hanging there for minutes, when in reality it’s seconds…

And as the ball begins to come back to earth…

It lands in the arms of a receiver who is diving into the end zone and the game is now OVER.

The Hail-Mary succeeded once again and none of this would have been possible if the team that was losing did not at least TRY!

The crowd goes wild and lives are changed forever…

This is the power of the HAIL-MARY and in the space of expanding your relationship capital where you never know where your ONE will be…

THIS is the path to access…

THIS is the path to connection…

THIS is the path to your ONE!

Hail-Mary Communication looks like this…

Step 1: Do The Research

If you connected with ____________________, your life would change.

Look up people that you can complete this sentence with…

It might be your ideal enterprise level client…

It might be your soulmate…

It might be your optimal new hire…

It might be the ultimate joint venture…

It might be anything that takes your life and business to a place that you can’t even imagine…

But do the research…

Use LinkedIn

Use Blogs

Use Google

Use mutual connections

And then figure out their email…

You can guess...

You can dig deeper…

You can use various software like Rocket Reach

But NEVER allow not having the email prevent you from reaching out.

Find a way! I promise (as you will see below) – it’s worth it!

Step 2: Figure Out A Compelling Ask

It’s important to know how this person can serve you and how you can serve this person because a fuzzy ASK will NEVER hit the target.

You need precision…

You need clarity…

You need an optimal outcome…

AND you need WIN-WIN!

If this person is truly a hail-mary then it’s critical that they see a future in how they can help you because it helps them. If they don’t and they still decide to proceed with you - most likely - you did not reach far enough and instead played it safely.

Hail-Mary Communication should feel almost silly - “imagine if this person replies,” - type of silly, but as you will soon see, you MUST believe that your ideal outcome will become your reality. 

Step 3: Send An Emotionally Infused Email

Now it’s time to compose your email and it must be emotionally charged. When your person reads this they need to also FEEL IT.

This is NOT where you hold back – this is where you deliver your ALL.

It could possibly make you uncomfortable because you are exposing your truth to someone you don't know, but if you don’t it wont work – I am positive!

What gets you to stand out is to do what others will NEVER do…

And now you will get what others...NEVER GET!

Step 4: Believe In The Outcome 

When the Quarterback threw the pass to the end zone with only seconds on the clock he absolutely was certain that someone would catch it – even though on the previous 9 attempts someone did not catch it. 

This is VERY important…

You can use Hail-Mary Communication 25x and get ZERO responses and on number 26 – you get your ONE and your entire life and business change forever. And with each attempt, you must KNOW with certainty – they will reply!

A lack of reply or a negative reply simply means they are NOT your one – so just keep on, keeping on and do these four steps over and over and over again!

Please read this one more time...

A lack of reply or a negative reply simply means they are NOT your one – so just keep on, keeping on and do these four steps over and over and over again!

Remember, you only need ONE!

I Will Never Forget When I Tried For The First Time…

My first Hail-Mary Communication took place when I was in college…

I wanted to connect with the owner of the Miami Dolphins, who also owned the Time Warner Building, who was also a serial entrepreneur, and a billionaire…

I wanted to share an idea and vision with him that I was certain he would LOVE!

So, I followed the 4 steps from above…

And guess what happened…


His reply…

“Never email me again!”


Hail Mary Communication worked!

I got a reaction…

I got a reply…

I got my name in front of someone who at the time mattered to me…

You are probably thinking…

“Jared, you are nuts. He told you to never email him again.”

But I didn't see it that way – I saw it as a SUCCESS.

I was able to connect with an untouchable by following those four steps!

And once I saw it work – I have used this 1,000s of times and it has produced MILLIONS of dollars of business and 100s of meaningful relationships that would have not existed if I did not try.

And these 100s of meaningful relationships will produce billions of dollars of business and impact that changes the world.

And guess what…

100% of these relationships appreciate and adore me for doing what no one does…


They appreciate that I reached out when I did…

They appreciate my courage and persistence…

They appreciate my vision…


For every ONE relationship that was established – there were at least 5 that did not reply.

But that’s cool – they were NOT my ONE and the ONE that did reply (x100 at this point) are not only my ONE, but I am their ONE too.

I want to empower you to NOT overthink this…

I want to empower you to NOT delay this…

I want to empower you to NOT play it safe…

Just throw the pass…

I guarantee someone will eventually catch the ball in the end zone with seconds left and you will WIN…


Live with Intention,

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