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How To Prepare For Your Biggest Move Yet

“What if the biggest move of your life required the same or less effort than every other move combined because you have all of your previous moves available to tap into when you pursue your biggest.” - Jared Yellin

When I say move – I don’t mean a relocation…

I mean the biggest decision of your life.

I mean the biggest action of your life.

I mean the biggest potential outcome of your life.

And EVERYONE has the opportunity to pursue something bigger than they ever have – the key is answering the door when the chance knocks, execute relentlessly, and BELIEVE you were called to achieve this monumental outcome. 

Take it from me…

There are going to be moments of overwhelm, doubt, and even questioning, but these moments must be fleeting AND productive.

Fleeting in the sense that they don’t last long.

Productive in the sense that you become even more convicted on what you are setting out to do.

And if you know me well or have followed my work for some time – you know I am a BIG MOVE entrepreneur. There is nothing I do that is small and I always seem to attempt the impossible but what I am about to do makes all of my other moves (aggregated) seem small.

I am accepting this challenge with all of myself…

I am open to growth in a way I only dreamed of…

I am ready for the responsibilities this will entail…

I am certain this is my calling…

But what I want you to realize is that this article has little to do with me - rather - I am writing it as a reminder for myself and a catalyst for you. 

I believe - deeply - everyone has a BIG MOVE to make.  My hope is that what you are about to read sets your world on fire and you step into it.

So without further ado…

Here is my roadmap to my biggest move yet…

How To Prepare For Your Biggest Move Yet

7 Principles To Know You Are Fully Prepared For Your Biggest Baddest Move Yet!

Principle 1: Steve Jobs said it best, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards.”

When you are about to pursue your biggest and baddest move yet, I encourage you to pause for a moment and connect the dots.

EVERY life experience has prepared you for this next move…

EVERY challenge has strengthened you for this next move…

EVERY success has armed you for this next move…

You are absolutely NOT where you stand today by accident and you most certainly are not exposed to your biggest move yet by chance.

I know for me - I have stopped asking the universe, “WHY is _____________ happening” because I know the answer already…

It’s happening to prepare you for your biggest move yet.

And the same holds true for you…

But in order to know you are fully ready – give yourself a few moments in silence and CONNECT YOUR DOTS!

Go through the journey - which probably made no sense while you were in it - but will begin to make all the sense in the world once you review it.

Extract the greatest lessons…

Pull out the most vital wisdom…

Highlight where you got stronger…

Focus on the exact experiences that will arm you for your biggest and baddest move…

The outcome of this exercise is that you will be fully prepared - from a belief system perspective - for your biggest and baddest move yet!

Principle 2: God will never present you with an opportunity you can’t handle.

It’s just absolutely critical that you realize you are NEVER alone.

Whatever higher power you believe in is with you - always - and this higher power will never provide you with more than you can handle.

YES, in the moment you will forget this.

YES, on the journey you will neglect this.

YES, there will be times you ignore this. 

But no matter what – God is with you and I personally find such peace in the knowingness of this.

AND the more I believe in this principle, the more pieces just ALWAYS fall into place.

People show up…

Opportunities show up…

Doors open up…

Resources emerge…

Answers become obvious…

The journey becomes significantly more predictable the moment you know (which is deeper than belief) that God will never present you with an opportunity you can’t handle. 

Principle 3: It’s not HOW that matters - rather - WHO.

When you are going after your biggest and baddest move it’s imperative that you do not default to HOW when faced with a challenge or obstacle but rather the WHO can help.

The HOW is always the longer and riskier journey.

The HOW is where people burn out.

The HOW is why most fall short.

Because the HOW is defined as you figuring it out versus the WHO is identifying who has already achieved a piece of what you are striving to accomplish and they can offer resources, relationships, wisdom, mentorship, or all of the above. 

I GUARANTEE that many (if not all) of the pieces that you need to ascertain in order to manifest the biggest and baddest move has already been figured out by someone – you just need to figure out your WHO(s).

And the WHO is EAGER to lend a helping hand the SAME WAY you will be eager to support when someone else identifies YOU as their WHO.

My biggest and baddest move is really big but I have been able to tap on key people who have accomplished pieces of what I am about to do which has saved me an enormous amount of time, money, unknown, suffering, etc.

Principle 4: Next Level Your Health.

I define health as mental, physical, and bio-chemical and when you are pursuing your biggest and basest move to date – your health must be DIALED in because one of the key components to increase the likelihood of your success is your ENERGY.

And your energy will be correlated to your commitment to your mental, physical, and bio-chemical well-being.

Here’s what I do…

Mental: Meditation, writing, sleep, and document the journey. The documentation is KEY because when I overcome a challenge, I am able to review what I did so when I am faced with another predicament, I remind myself that I already surpassed something that was equally or more difficult. 

Physical: I NEVER miss a day - weight lifting, cardio, yoga, sport - there is no excuse. I must get my workout in daily as this 60 minutes becomes the foundation for the productivity and progress that I will make. Do NOT negotiate against yourself and miss a workout when pursuing your biggest and baddest move yet.

Bio-Chemical: Food is fuel and it’s critical that you provide yourself with premium nutrition that will lead to mental clarity, a positive mindset, and energy. Nothing processed should enter your body, consume organic proteins and vegetables, and drink enough water. 

I am 100% always committed to my health and I have been for decades now but when I go after my biggest and baddest move – I never negotiate it because I NEED every benefit that vitality can offer to ensure I hit my mark.

Principle 5: Experiment will always lead to a win.

When you are pursuing your biggest and baddest move yet – it’s guaranteed you will stumble, trip, and even fall.

The key is that you use each of these mishaps as a LEARNING opportunity and a chance to assess how badly you want the outcome. 

But here’s where the rubber meets the road…

You NEVER let a LESSON stop you from experimenting again and again and again…

One attempt should have NO bearing on your next attempt.

I always relate this to sales.

Most sales people will need to make 30-50 sales calls to get 1 sale, which means they are hearing NO 29-49 times and if one NO negatively impacts the next sales call – I guarantee that next sales call will be suboptimal.

The same holds true to your experiments as you pursue your biggest and baddest move yet… 

NEVER take a stumble personally…

NEVER become gun-shy because of a trip…

NEVER let one failed attempt impact your next experiment…

Experiment relentlessly…

You will GAIN more than you lose every step of the way.

Principle 6: Default to what you know but never let your experience be your limitation.


You have all of your previous moves available to tap into when you pursue your biggest.

This is a double-edged sword because on one side you have all your wisdom, relationships, resources, lessons, etc. and on the other side of your experience which COULD represent limitations.

So here’s the key…

USE what you know…

LEVERAGE what you know…

EXTRACT from what you know…


Let your previous experience become your limitation.

Because you have MORE today as you pursue your biggest and baddest move yet, then you did when you went after your previous move. 

PLEASE read this again…

You have MORE today as you pursue your biggest and baddest move yet, then you did when you went after your previous move. 

AND when you feel your past experiences creeping in - just flick it away - I mean it - picture yourself flicking away any limiting beliefs that could slow you down or hold you back because…

Principle 7: EVERYTHING is possible.

Each of these principles is essential but #7 is an absolute mandated requirement OR I promise you — you will fall short.

I find #7 to be extremely challenging at points because this next move, which is BY FAR my biggest and baddest I have to constantly remind myself – EVERYTHING is possible.

The ONLY limits that exist are the boundaries we establish in our mind.

This is why I go out of my way to only associate with boundless thinkers, visionaries in execution mode, moonshot entrepreneurs, and ultimate changemakers because I want to ensure that 24/7/365 is focused on…

EVERYTHING is possible! 

Now What?

Action will always defeat your thoughts but your limiting beliefs will always hamper your actions.


What do you believe you are capable of doing, achieving, and causing?

What do you believe you were destined to do during this life?

What do you believe your potential is?

Your belief alone will absolutely never get you what you want, but the absence of your belief is guaranteed to hold you back.

This is why a decision must be made…

Are you willing to delve into a place of uncertainty where the outcome might be more than you ever imagined and the responsibility is heavy and significant OR will you default to comfort?

There is no right or wrong answer.

But here’s what I am also learning since I am faced with my biggest move yet…

“What if the biggest move of your life required the same or less effort than every other move combined because you have all of your previous moves available to tap into when you pursue your biggest.”

Your beliefs around your biggest move might paralyze you, but the reality of your biggest move is that you have muscle memory from previous moves, you have wisdom from previous moves, you have relationship capital from previous moves, and you have resources from previous moves which when all aggregated leads to the biggest move yet with the same or less effort than what you are accustomed to.

So once again…

A decision has to be made…

Will you believe in yourself enough to take action on your biggest and baddest move yet?

I am here for you always – TOGETHER we got this!

Live with Intention,

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