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Your Unfiltered Story

“When you hold back details in your story, what you are actually doing is suppressing the real, authentic, and perfectly imperfect you. People want that, people need that, and you should yearn to share it with everyone.” - Jared Yellin

Why do you consistently feel the need to hedge against yourself?

Why do you hold back when everything inside says to become bolder?

Why do you feel your message does not matter?

It boggles my mind when I hear someone share their FILTERED story…

I know what happened in their life…

I know if they gave themselves the permission to share, people would connect on a deeper level…

And I know they miss an opportunity each time they pass…

Listen, if you are holding back it’s because you have a limiting belief which is an anchor to your growth.

Every chapter of your life happens FOR YOU to SERVE YOU so that we can SERVE OTHERS!

Your Unfiltered Story

Whether you had a drug problem…

Were cheated on…


Suffered from an eating disorder…

Experienced abuse…

Went through a divorce…

Filed bankruptcy…

Failed publicly…

Or the millions of other things that could have happened to you…

EVERY experience happened for a REASON…

And I am not just saying that like the cliche everyone shares all of the time with no substance…

I am saying…




Don’t just utter those words, “IT HAPPENED FOR A REASON,” to try and water down your pain…

DO SOMETHING with the opportunity that you were presented, which has caused you suffering, challenge, and unnecessary levels of darkness.

DO SOMETHING that allows this chapter to SERVE YOU and SERVE OTHERS!

DO SOMETHING by sharing this experience in YOUR UNFILTERED STORY!

To suppress a chapter means you can’t serve at the highest level and my belief is we are on this planet to SERVE…

Ourselves first…

Others second…

I literally never watch TV, but someone recently told me about a biography of Paris Hilton.

Love her or hate it – it does not matter.

But this person could not stand Paris. 

She stood against what she thought Paris represented in the world.

Until – she watched Paris’s UNFILTERED Story, which is a recent documentary you can find on YouTube.

She got to know Paris differently…

She identified and connected with her pain…

She deeply resonated with her vision to help troubled teens…

But NONE of this would have happened if Paris Hilton filtered her story…

The same way…

People will only know what you tell them about yourself…

And if you are holding back, all they know is what you are allowing them to see and feel…

But there's a part of you that is foreign to these people, and if they knew this foreign version, they would feel significantly more connected with you.

I can’t express how RIGHT I am RIGHT now…

The single reason why I am able to sell at such a high level and build such extraordinary relationship capital with people, you would think be untouchable, is because I have ZERO filters with my story…

I share it all…

From my parents' insane divorce…

To the restraining orders they had against one another…

To my roller coaster upbringing...

To poor decisions I made with relationships I had…

To lawsuits and what I learned…

To failure and challenge as an entrepreneur and human...

To difficulties I have experienced in my marriage…

To limiting beliefs that exist in my world…

And guess freakin what…

People LOVE me for it!

People CONNECT with me because of it!

People really UNDERSTAND why I am on such a mission to help other people HAVE IT ALL…

Because for the bulk of my life...I didn’t, and now I am frantically focused on LIVING it ALL and ensuring that YOU and everyone I can touch, because of YOU, can also experience it ALL!

This Is WHY Your UNFILTERED Story Does Not Only Matter - But Without It - You Will 100000000000% Fall Short In Life!

Your UNFILTERED Story is your choice…

I respect you if you don’t want to share it…

I respect you if you feel like others won't care…

I respect you if you feel too vulnerable…

 But at the same time – I adamantly disagree with you!

And here’s my challenge + how to do it…

CHALLENGE ALERT – Try sharing your UNFILTERED story ONE time within the next 24 hours with someone you are meeting for the first time


Step 1: Write it out.

Step 2: Record an audio of you sharing it.

Step 3: Listen to your recording while looking at yourself in the mirror.

Step 4: Document how your unfiltered story makes you feel as you listen.

Step 5: Trust me and start sharing this version of yourself – the REAL YOU!

I would never steer you wrong and I also know how instrumental it will be when you follow through with this challenge…

WIN 1: You will heal at the deepest level.

WIN 2: You will connect with someone on the deepest level.

WIN 3: You give someone else the permission to have the courage you just displayed.

WIN 4: You will become fanatical about sharing from this moment going forward.

If you don’t experience these FOUR WINS, then you have the permission to call me crazy and to filter your story for the rest of your life,  but since I am 10000000% certain that these four wins are just on the other side of your UNFILTERED story, I am willing to put all of my reputation on the line right now.

Do you accept the challenge?

Live with Intention,

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